
  • June 1st, 2022

    Following a summer of racial unrest and global protests in 2020, organizations attempted to provide support and show solidarity with team members, shareholders, and their broader communities. Now two years later, many are questioning the current status of commitments and pledges made to move towards an anti-racist society and inclusive workplace.   

    Meet the USC Race and Equity Center Business Solutions team as they discuss the importance of accountability in corporate responsibility during a time where performativity and lack of transparency are all too common. Moderated by Dr. LaNita Gregory Campbell, the Center’s Director of DEI Organizational Strategy, this session is designed to provide participants with skills and intentional thought exercises to review diversity, equity, and inclusion strategic plans.  This panel format discussion with other members of the Business Solutions team will dive into what organizations have been working on and discussing since 2020 and what actions will be needed to continue the fight for racial equity. 

  • July 6th, 2022

    In 2018, Daniel Quasar redesigned a version of the pride flag developed by the city of Philadelphia.  This redesign built off Philadelphia's intention to draw attention to the unique challenges people of color in the LGBTQIA+ community face.  In 2021, this Progress Pride flag was further redesigned by Valentino Vecchietti to incorporate the intersex flag.  The intersectionality within the LGBTQIA+ community has not always been at the forefront of the conversation and it has erased the lived experiences of so many.  

    In this conversation, we will explore the unique intersectionality that shapes the identity of the LGBTQIA+ community and the other marginalized identities that inherently can come with being part of this family. Through this, we will learn how businesses can best support their LGBTQIA+ team members and customers and advocate for the issues that are most pressing to them.

  • August 3rd, 2022

    In the past year, partially due to the pandemic and partially due to a new generation of working professionals intent on maintaining their autonomy, we have seen what has been deemed “The Great Reshuffle.” This phenomenon is characterized by masses of employees changing industries in search of better pay, more flexible work arrangements, and companies that better align with their personal values. Millennial workers have been gravitating towards companies with union protection and a focus on worker mental health, while GenZ workers are pushing companies to prioritize equity and social impact. As a result, this Great Reshuffle is forcing many organizations to reevaluate the ways in which they interact with their workforce and diverse communities. While this has led to positive changes for employees, it has also brought about new challenges for organizational leaders. 

    Join the DEI Business Solutions team at the USC Race and Equity Center for a conversation around ways organizations have responded to the Great Reshuffle, and hear from those pushing their organizations to better support employees, their communities, and the environment.

  • September 7, 2022

    Among women across all races and ethnicities, hourly earnings lag behind those of white men and men in their own racial or ethnic group. Despite increasing numbers of college-educated earners and some progress, the pay gap persists, especially at the intersections of race and gender. For example, on average Latinas/Latinx women are paid 51% less than white men and 31% less than white women. We see these pay disparities regardless of education, experience, industry, and occupation, and they can impact families and communities by contributing to unequal distribution of wealth and opportunity. 

     Join the DEI Business Solutions team at the USC Race and Equity Center for a conversation about pay equity, compensation audits, and structural changes designed to bring awareness to pay gap issues.


Conversation 5


Anti-Black racism is as old as racism itself. It has reared its ugly head throughout history in the forms of oppression, enslavement, and persecution. While acts of violence and racist rhetoric are thought of to come from the white ruling class, the unfortunate truth is other non-white people of color are guilty of perpetuating anti-Black racism in their own communities too.

The recent events of the LA City Council remind the country that anti-Black racism can come from anywhere in any form. But this is just one example of the many times this sort of behavior has occurred. And when it comes from people in positions of power, it becomes a detriment to all Black people in society.

Join Hot and Cool Café as they partner with the USC Race and Equity Center to discuss with the community how to build coalition and solidarity with communities of color as well as what businesses and organizations can do to combat anti-Black racism internally. The panel will discuss tangible steps organizations can take and what is required to eradicate racism in all its forms.

Conversation 6

‘Tis the Season to be…Inclusive

December 7, 2022

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